2021 Speaking Events
It's always an honor to be asked to speak at an event, or to have a presentation proposal accepted. When I present, my goal is to offer information that is current and useful to those who attend. I hope to see you at some of my 2021 speaking events. Once an event has passed, if an online recording is made available to the public, it will be linked below.
January 13, 2021
Tools for Interpreters Webinar Series: HELP, WE NEED RSI, NOW WHAT?!
Cross-Cultural Communications continues its generous series of free webinars on all things remote interpreting. During this webinar, my colleague Danielle Meder and I explore how to set up RSI interpreting on web conference platforms that were not designed for RSI. We also provide strategies to communicate with clients and language companies when the interpreting solution they want to use may not work for RSI. Free to view.
January 14, 2021
After 10 years of working to raise the profile of the interpreting profession, InterpretAmerica held a final, celebratory event. Watch the 90-minute video recapping a decade of change and change-making across the field.
March 5, 2021
CHIA Annual Conference
Lorena Ortiz Schneider and I reprised our presentation from 2020, providing an update on the ultimately successful effort to protect the right of independent contract interpreters and translators in California to work as freelancers. If you attended the conference, the session is free to view. If not, you can purchase on demand (all proceeds go to CHIA)
April 10, 2021
Interpreter2B is an innovative training organization in Brazil, helping to found the profession of community interpreting. It was a privilege to present on some of the lessons learned in the United States over the past 30 years of specialization in healthcare, legal and now educational interpreting.
April 23, 2021
Interpreting Services Keep Changing: How to Adapt to an Evolving Profession
I'll be giving a “big picture” look at the interpreting profession in the United States as the world starts to come out of pandemic for this new regional interpreting conference. I'l explore current work and technology trends, pending legislative challenges, and how to position yourself to thrive in an evolving professional landscape. You can sign up for the conference here.